Child Health Checkup
Child Health Checkup
The Basics: Overview. Young children need to go to the doctor or nurse for a “well-child visit” 7 times between ages 1 and 4. A well-child visit is when you take your child to the doctor to make sure they’re healthy and developing normally. This is different from other visits for sickness or injury.
Emergency warning signs include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips or nail beds — depending on your child’s skin tone.
A fever that lasts longer than 3 days or symptoms that get worse need a look from your pediatrician. Your child may have gotten an ear infection or other bacterial illness. If at any point your child has to work harder to breathe, call the doctor right away.
Call your pediatrician if your child: Has a temperature of 104 F or higher. Is under 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 F or higher. Has a fever that lasts for more than 72 hours (or more than 24 hours if your child is under age 2)
They generally use a nasal or throat swab or sometimes saliva for the test sample. You might get results the same day or up to a week later. They are “diagnostic tests,” which means they are used to check if your child has an active infection.